
What Fossils Will You Find?

by Ark Encounter on September 1, 2016

The Fossil Find, sponsored by Camp Infinity, is now open at the Ark Encounter. Here you can pan for unique fossils at our mining sluice, as you learn about the science of paleontology from a biblical perspective. What fossils will you uncover? Here are the four steps you will take to mine for fossils.

Fossil Find

Select Your Bag

You will first need to purchase your bag of mining rough before you head over to the panning sluice to see what treasures your bag holds. Two sizes are available—a small bag for $6 and a large bag for $10 (including tax). Each contains a large number of real fossils from around the world. You might even uncover amber, horn coral, petrified wood, or shark teeth.

Visitors to the Fossil Find

Add Rough to Box

Place your mining rough into the screen-bottom box. You may want to pan your bag a section at a time. This will allow you to enjoy the experience a little longer and keep you from potentially losing any of your fossils in the process.

Fossil Find

Dip into Water

Once you have a portion of your rough in the screen-bottom box, dip it into the sluice. Shake your box around in the water to allow the rough to sift out. You may need to dip the box into the water several times to make sure you get rid of all the rough.

Fossil Find Box

Learn About Your Treasure

After your fossils are revealed, you can place them in your take-home bag. Each person will receive a card that describes each fossil that may be found and provides a biblical explanation for fossils.

Fossil Find Fossils

Will your bag contain ammonite, trilobite, or gastropods? Visit the Fossil Find at the Ark Encounter during your visit to find out! This fun and interactive activity will help teach you how to think biblically about fossils, and you will see how science confirms God’s Word.

List of Fossil