Terry Mortenson

Did God Create over Millions of Years?

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Many Christians reject biological evolution but accept millions of years of geological and cosmological evolution and insist that the age of creation is a “side issue” over which Christians “can agree to disagree.” After a brief explanation of theistic evolution and why it’s a problem, Dr. Mortenson presents seven reasons why Christians should reject allold-earth views (gap theory, day-age theory, framework hypothesis, theistic evolution, etc.)—because despite good intentions to the contrary, these old-earth views undermine the truth, clarity, and authority of Scripture.

This event is free with paid Ark Encounter admission or Ark Encounter membership. Seating is first come, first served.

Dr. Terry Mortenson: Dr. Terry Mortenson earned a PhD in history of geology and has lectured on the creation-evolution controversy in 35 countries since the late 1970s.

Learn more about Dr. Terry Mortenson