Karina Altman

How Did All the Animals Fit on the Ark? (with Karina Altman)

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So many animal species exist in the world today, how could Noah have possibly fit them all on his Ark? Does the Bible provide answers? Yes! In this lecture, we will discuss the biblical history of the animals on Noah's Ark. How did they all fit? How did Noah's family care for them? Why didn't the meat-eaters eat the plant-eaters? What about the dinosaurs? How did kangaroos get to Australia? Using the Bible as our ultimate authority, we will answer these questions and more!

This event is free with paid Ark Encounter admission or Ark Encounter membership. Seating is first come, first served.

Karina Altman: Karina Altman is the Zoo Content Manager at Answers in Genesis. She earned a BS in Marine Biology from Texas A&M University and an MA in biology from Miami University.

Learn more about Karina Altman