New Beginning

New Beginning

You can order the New Beginning DVD through the online store of our parent ministry, Answers in Genesis.

This stirring film looks at the biblical account of Noah's flood from an unexpected angle: the viewpoint of one of Noah's three daughters-in-law. Viewers follow the wife of Shem (who is not named in Scripture) as she writes down for her children her memories of the pre-flood world, the ark voyage, and the new world after the flood. This historical drama brings the flood account to life in a new way. You will think about the realities faced by Noah and his family differently than ever before.

Also includes over 30 minutes of bonus behind-the-scenes videos.

Answers in Genesis' talented staff from various departments, led by our gifted A/V team, produced this stunning short feature film. It was shot with a cutting-edge RED camera system in 5K resolution. It's the same camera used on many Hollywood films and TV shows. The outdoor scenes (all except one) were filmed on-location in Washington state, roughly an hour outside of Spokane. The sets used there were originally built in AiG-USA's warehouse studio and then shipped to Washington where the crew reconstructed everything on-site.

This presentation is free with paid Ark admission or Ark membership. Seating is first come, first served.