Q: Does my Explore Day registration include entrance to the Ark? A: No. Explore Day registration does not include admission to the Ark. You may purchase tickets online or on the day of the event at the ticketing booth.
Q: Can I transfer my child’s registration to another Explore Day? A: Unfortunately, our system does not allow us to transfer registrations. If your request is made 21 days or more before the program for which you are registered, we would be happy to refund your registration, allowing you to re-register for the Explore Day of your choice. For refunds, please contact Reservations at (800) 721-2298.
Q: We are unable to attend the Explore Day for which we registered. Can I have a refund? A: We are happy to refund any Explore registrations if your request is made at least 21 days before the date of the program. Due to the amount of preparation that each day necessitates, we are unable to provide refunds within 21 days of the program date. For refunds, please contact Reservations at (800) 721-2298.
Q: Registration on the website is closed. Can you put me on the waiting list? Will you open additional seats for a sold-out Explore Day? A: As we receive so few cancellations, we have not found a need to create a waiting list. Due to classroom size, we are unable to open additional seats for Explore Days.
Q: How are Explore Days structured? A: Each day consists of three interactive sessions. Every session includes a hands-on lab, project, or interactive program to assist the children in applying or reviewing what they have learned.
Q: Is lunch provided? A: Lunch is not provided for 3-hour Explore Days nor off-site programs (such as Arches or Wilderness).
Q: Can I register children under the minimum age?
A: No. Due to the rigorous content and complexity of activities, students need to be a minimum age of 11 years old by the date of the program.
Q: Explore Days encompass a wide range of ages (11 to 18). How do you challenge the older students while keeping the younger students engaged? A: All students receive the same instruction but are given varying degrees of assistance during the hands-on activities. Older students are often given an additional challenge assignment or are encouraged to take the assignment to the next level.
Q: Can my child ride the shuttle from the parking lot to the Ark Encounter by themselves? A: No. An adult must accompany all Explore students to the classroom, sign them in, and sign them out at the end of the day.
Q: My child attended last school year’s Explore Days. Does this year’s program offer different content than last year’s? A: While there will be similarities in content from year to year, Explore Day curricula are on a four-year rotation, giving students a look at a different facet of each topic each year. The four-year rotation is available by topic on the website.
Q: My homeschool group would like to bring a group of students to an Explore Day. Do you have a group rate? A: We do not offer group rates for our regularly scheduled public Explore Days. If you have 25 or more students interested in a particular Explore Day, please contact us for more information on scheduling an exclusive event for your group!