
Traffic Flow at the Ark Encounter

by Ark Encounter on March 5, 2015

As the Ark construction is underway so is the study of the proposed traffic flow into the Ark Encounter parking lots. To do this, we have to use a powerful and versatile traffic simulation software. You begin by entering the road networks, which in this case is a major north-south interstate highway. I-75 runs from just northwest of Miami, Florida, all the way through Michigan to Canada. The other road is Kentucky State Road 36. Then you program the current traffic of the area and enter data for number of cars and buses that will bring anywhere from 1.2–1.6 million people the first year.

Assuming 2.6 passengers per vehicle and 40 passengers per bus, we can accurately model and visualize the behavior of traffic. Today’s technology is so advanced that you can determine how long it will take a southbound vehicle off of Interstate 75 to reach the parking lot on the busiest day! This sophisticated software provides us with a solution for evaluating the traffic impact around the Williamstown exit—not just for the opening year, but several years to come.