
The Origin of Language

by Ark Encounter on September 5, 2024

The Babel event in Genesis 11 gives us the proper foundation for understanding much of what we observe in our world today.

The biblical account explains the origin of our language families, but it also helps us understand the variations in people groups and that there is no biblical justification for racism.

Tower of Babel Diorama

After the flood, God instructed man to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. Yet, within a few generations, humans rebelled against their Creator again. They gathered together in the plain of Shinar and decided to make a name for themselves by building a city and a tower whose top reached the heavens.

“Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another's speech.” So the LORD dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. (Genesis 11:7–8)

God judged these people for their rebellion by confusing their languages. No longer able to effectively communicate, the people dispersed and filled the world.

Dispersal Illustration

¿Cuál es tu Identidad? Giving Answers About Identity at Día Latino

At Answers in Genesis, the Ark Encounter, and the Creation Museum, we want to reach all people with the truth of God’s Word and the gospel regardless of the language they speak. That’s why we host our annual Día Latino for Spanish speakers each year. Check out these pictures from last year’s event.

  • Día Latino
  • Día Latino
  • Día Latino
  • Día Latino
  • Día Latino
  • Día Latino
  • Día Latino
  • Día Latino
  • Día Latino
  • Día Latino

This year’s theme is “¿Cuál es tu Identidad?” What is a man? What is a woman? And why does it matter?

Many people today—especially young people—are very confused about their identity. The world tells them they are what they feel, but feelings are confusing and ever-changing and certainly don’t provide ultimate purpose or meaning. And because we are sinners, we can’t trust our feelings. But God’s Word provides the ultimate purpose, meaning, and answers we need.

We’re giving those answers to adults, teens, and families at our upcoming Día Latino at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, October 18–19, 2024. This two-day event is specifically for Spanish speakers, featuring teaching sessions either in or translated into Spanish, worship with the Aliento de Vida church worship group, and time to tour both attractions with translators and Spanish signage and subtitles scattered throughout the grounds.

Each of our teaching sessions is designed to provide answers about identity—what it means to be a man or a woman and to have an identity grounded in Christ. Hear from

  • AiG’s Joe Owen, Abby Owen, Arturo Valdebenito, Dr. Georgia Purdom, and Ken Ham
  • Dr. Victor Tiburcio, pastor of Aliento de Vida church
  • Laura Perry Smalts, author of Transgender to Transformed
  • And Laura Gonzáles, director of the Spanish ministry Aviva Nuestros Corazones.

You won’t want to miss this encouraging two-day event. Not only will you be equipped with teaching, but you and your family will love the life-size Noah’s Ark, world-class exhibits, zoo animals, playgrounds, carousel, special effects theater, planetarium, animal shows, daily programming, and so much more. It’s sure to be a packed two days!

All children 10 and under visit for free! Make plans today on our special event page.