
The Ark and Working with Community Leaders

by Ark Encounter on December 17, 2015

A spirit of teamwork is so important when it comes to accomplishing a task when we work with others. Here in Northern Kentucky we are pleased with the way the city of Williamstown (and the citizens of Grant County as a whole) have come alongside AiG in the Ark project. So many people in this area south of Cincinnati have let it be known that they will do whatever they can to make the opening and operation of the Ark Encounter a smashing success.

Ark Neighbors

AiG continues to meet with officials in Grant County on a variety of matters, including leaders at local schools and even a community college to see how AiG can help them better prepare students for the service industry, including through training at a possible culinary school. With millions of people headed to Williamstown in the years ahead to visit the 510-foot-long Ark, Grant County residents recognize the great potential for growth in their area. They realize that hotels, fine-dining facilities, and area attractions are just over the horizon and they will need trained staff.

Also, last week, we gave some of the neighbors of the Ark property a close-up tour of the construction. The Williamstown mayor was also there.

Ark Neighbors Ark Neighbors

AiG looks forward to continue working with our future neighbors in the years to come as the Ark opens July 7.