
Sights and Sounds from ChristmasTime at the Ark

by Ark Encounter on December 14, 2017

The inaugural ChristmasTime at the Ark kicked off last week! Guests enjoyed our stunning “Encounter the Wonder” projection show on the side of the life-size Noah’s Ark. They also had fun Christmas shopping, seeing festive zoo animals, and eating warm food selections from the Christmas menu inside Emzara’s Buffet and our other food vendors.

ChristmasTime runs nightly from 4:30–9 p.m. through January 15, 2018.

If you weren’t able to join us during the first week of ChristmasTime at the Ark, here’s a taste of what you’ll experience when you visit during this free holiday event.

ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter

Check out this Facebook Live that our president and CEO, Ken Ham, recorded during a preview of “Encounter the Wonder” last week.

Make your plans to visit the Ark Encounter today, and be sure to stick around for ChristmasTime at the Ark. As you capture the lights and sights surrounding you this Christmas season, share your photos with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using #arkencounter and #explorethegrounds.

*Free event does not include $10 parking or food, retail items, Ark entry, and animal rides. Closed December 24–25.