The popular Creation College Expo will be coming to the Ark Encounter for the first time on November 1–2, 2019. This free event allows you and your students in grades 7–12 to visit one-on-one with representatives from Christian institutions across the country who hold to biblical authority and young-earth creation.
Find out more about this unique opportunity below.
The Creation College Expo gives you and your students the opportunity to visit one-on-one with representatives from Christian institutions across the country. Each school represented at the College Expo takes a bold stand on biblical authority, including a belief in biblical creation and a young earth.
Families speak with college representatives during the 2018 Creation College Expo at our sister attraction, the Creation Museum.
You’ll also have the opportunity to hear from a few of the excellent speakers. Be sure to keep an eye on the Ark Encounter blog and the event page as the event draws closer for more information.
As an added resource to aid your search, please visit the Answers in Genesis Creation Colleges page for the list of colleges, universities, and seminaries whose presidents have affirmed their personal agreement with the Tenets of Creation in writing.
While the College Expo is free, we do request that students register to help us prepare for their arrival. All registered students will receive complimentary tickets to the Ark Encounter, the opportunity to win a $500 scholarship, and a free College Expo T-shirt. Parents or chaperones accompanying their student will get a 20% Ark admission discount, and new this year, students and their families will also receive 20% off admission to our sister attraction, the Creation Museum.
Start making your plans to join us for the 2019 Creation College Expo today. And be sure you register your student so that you don’t miss this important opportunity in the college search!