
Travel Back and Meet Noah with Virtual Reality at the Ark Encounter

by Ark Encounter on July 2, 2020

What might it have been like to build Noah’s ark? To see the animals come two by two? Or to hear the ark door thud closed and the first pitter-patter of raindrops? What if you could go back in time and be there?

Coming to the Ark Encounter soon, you can travel back in time with a brand-new virtual reality experience called Truth Traveler. Using incredible virtual reality technology, guests will feel as if they were actually there with Noah as he builds the ark or loads the animals into their stalls. Learn more below!

Immersive Experience

Truth Traveler will be an immersive experience with seats that shudder, move, and even poke you. You might just forget you’re really in 2020 as you zoom back in time to watch Noah build the ark and see and feel the windows of heaven open to begin the forty days and nights of rain.

The quality is like anything you’d expect from Disney or Universal Studios, but the message is very different! Not only does Truth Traveler emphasize the historicity of the flood account but it also presents the gospel.

Truth Traveler

Head Back in Time

When you put on the high-tech VR headset, you’ll meet POD—a robot who will give you a fun, guided tour as you travel back in time. Throughout the experience, you’ll watch Noah work on the ark, tour the ark full of animals, see the windows of heaven burst forth, and learn how just as there was one door into the ark to be saved, there is only one door of salvation—Jesus Christ.

Guests will wear a special VR headset and sit in seats that move (and even poke you!), giving the “time travel” experience a very authentic feel. Truth Traveler will be available for an upcharge.

Truth Traveler Truth Traveler Truth Traveler Truth Traveler

Learn More

This project was funded by a businessman who is an AiG supporter. And now it’s almost done and ready for our guests to enjoy!

You can learn more about Truth Traveler in this video below with our CEO Ken Ham.

We can’t wait for our guests to be able to enjoy this new addition to the Ark Encounter.

Don’t miss this opportunity to “meet” Noah during your next visit to the Ark Encounter. Start planning your trip today!