Have you ever wondered if the pre-flood world had a written language?
Because of evolutionary ideas, many people view humans from the past as less intelligent than modern humans. But humans, made in God’s image from the start, have always been incredibly intelligent and creative.
There’s no reason the pre-flood world couldn’t have had a written language. And archaeological discoveries, like the Ebla tablets, reveal that some of Noah’s close descendants utilized a sophisticated writing system not long after the flood.
If you visit the Ark Encounter, you’ll see “Noah’s language,” a written language our artists invented, throughout the life-size Noah’s Ark. It’s written right to left like Hebrew or Arabic, but it contains 26 letters and 10 numerals like English (this is so researchers can write out what the text would say in English and a designer can “translate” it to “Noah’s language” when they complete the artwork).
Why go to all this effort to invent a language for Noah? Well, we want to encourage people to expand their thinking of the biblical account of Noah’s ark and the flood.
Yes, humans were intelligent from the very beginning!
Start planning your trip to the Ark Encounter today, and be sure to visit Noah’s library on Deck Two and our Ancient Man exhibit on Deck Three to learn how humans have been intelligent since the very beginning.