
Has the Ark Been Found?

by Ark Encounter on September 24, 2014

The discovery of Noah’s Ark would be an unparalleled archaeological find. Throughout history thousands of individuals have searched various mountains for the remains of this wooden structure described in the Bible and in numerous legends from cultures around the world.

Ancient reports speak of the Ark as being readily accessible to certain groups of people, even describing an annual festival that supposedly took place on a mountain slope to commemorate the Ark’s landing. Pieces of the Ark were allegedly taken and used as amulets.

Mountains of Ararat

Little Ararat (left) and Mount Ararat (right)

In the past century, dozens of individuals have claimed to have located the Ark. Most of these modern searches have focused on Mount Ararat in Eastern Turkey. While some of these explorers claimed to have found the Ark or its remains, others are a little more cautious. They call attention to an assortment of evidence that seems to support their beliefs, such as pieces of wood found high on the mountain as well as aerial and satellite images that show an “Ark-like” structure.

Despite so many supposed sightings and evidences from Mount Ararat, it seems unlikely that Noah’s Ark has been found in recent times. And even though we would be ecstatic if the Ark were discovered, we have reason to doubt that it will be found in the future. Certainly, it is hard to imagine a large wooden structure surviving the elements for more than 4300 years. Also, if Mount Ararat truly were the landing place, how could the Ark have survived this volcano’s numerous eruptions?

These factors have not stopped the search for the Ark or the reported sightings of it. This blog series will focus on six of the most popular locations for the Ark’s final resting place. Four of locations are on or near Mount Ararat, while the other two sites are hundreds of miles from this famous peak.

Site One: Durupinar

Site Two: Mount Suleiman

Site Three: Ahora Gorge

Site Four: Ararat Anomaly

Site Five: Ararat—NAMI Expedition

We look forward to sightings of another Ark in the near future. We are scheduled to open the Ark Encounter, featuring a full-sized Ark in 2016. Please pray for this exciting and evangelistic project. To find out more about the Ark Encounter and how you can help support this endeavor, please visit